Fines in Portugal have little to do with those in the UK. If you have chosen Portugal as your holiday destination and are travelling by car, it is important to make sure you are well informed before you set off.
Speed fines in Portugal
There are basically three speed limits in Portugal:
- 50 km/h on urban roads.
- 90 km/h on inter-urban roads (county and national roads).
- 120 km/h on motorways and dual carriageways.
Fines are graduated according to the speeding committed, although the amount is variable (and generally much higher than in the UK):
- On urban roads: up to 300 € between 51 and 69 km/h; up to 600 € between 70 and 89 km/h; up to 1500 € between 90 and 109 km/h; up to 2500 € from 110 km/h.
- On interurban roads: up to 300 € for speeding up to 29 km/h; up to 600 € for speeding over 30 km/h and up to 59 km/h; up to 1500 € for speeding over 60 km/h and up to 79 km/h; up to 2500 € for speeding over 80 km/h.
More information about speed camera fines in Portugal.
Drink-driving fines in Portugal
The maximum blood alcohol limit in Portugal is 0.5 mg/l. Blood alcohol penalties range from 500 to 2500 euros. The most serious penalties also lead to immediate withdrawal of the driving licence and even imprisonment.
Payment of fines and withdrawal of driving licence in Portugal
There is no possibility to pay fines with a 50% reduction; voluntary payment is within 15 days, if payment is not made within this period the amount may be increased according to the administrative or judicial costs.
In the case of foreign drivers, payment of the fine may be required on the spot or a cash deposit may be required, which is deducted from the final amount to be paid.
The Portuguese traffic authorities can withdraw the offender’s driving licence on the spot, decreeing a withdrawal of a minimum of four weeks, which is only valid in Portugal. In such cases the driver must request the return of his licence after the time limit has expired and pay a fee of 15 euros once the penalty has been served.
If the penalty is not served on the spot, it is possible to pay by bank transfer. In order for the payment to be correct, it is necessary to indicate the number of the administrative offence report AND send proof of the transfer to the ANSR (Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodiviaria).
The ANSR website is only available in Portuguese; frequently asked questions about traffic offences in Portugal can be found on the ANSR website in English.