Paying a Spanish speeding fine can be tricky, specially if you are back at the UK / the US / Ireland / Canada / Australia / home. If that is the case you can pay online, using a debit or a credit card, or by bank transfer. Bank transfer fees can be expensive, but you could be exempt if you have a Spanish bank account.
1.- By credit or debit card (Visa – Mastercard – Maestro) on the website, the following details are required to make the payment:
- ID number issued by your home country, Passport number, Residence permit number or Driving licence number.
- Name and Surnames (use your last name twice if you have one).
- E-mail: a valid e-mail address.
- Date of the traffic offence: DD/MM/YYYY.
- Document number (aka Record number): 012345678910.
- Total amount of the fine (without the 50% discount): 100 OR 300 OR 400 OR 500 OR 600.
Important note: the DGT website requires that the date and the record number use the specific format shown above; the date is in the Spanish format (Day/Month/Year), and the record number requires just the 12 digits, the system adds the right format. For shorter record numbers use as many zeroes as required BEFORE the number you have received (see how to pay a Spanish speeding ticket online in the image below).
Did you follow the steps and get the error message “Error, the field Date of Notification is not correct“? As the image points out, try using a Windows/Android device with and either Firefox or Chrome browser.
2.- By bank transfer to the DGT bank account at CAIXABANK:
- IBAN: ES11 2100 5731 710200203821
- CIF: Q2816003D
- Account name: Jefatura Central de Tráfico – Sanciones extranjero.
It is crucial to enter the file reference number (RECORD NUMBER) correctly on the reason for the transfer. If this number is not properly written, the fine remains enforceable and, if necessary, for the full amount. In addition, any bank commissions that the bank institution may charge shall always be borne by the person concerned.
3.- By credit or debit card at any Provincial Traffic Department located in all provinces in Spain.
4.- In cash at any CAIXABANK branch offices in Spain; the same details referred to in section 1 above will be provided, specially the Record Number.
5.- The following will NOT be accepted as methods of payment:
- Personal cheque or bank cheque.
- Money order.
- Money sent in cash.
- Any other means not covered in sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 above.
hi ive received a traffic fine which im trying to pay online but ut dosnt have a record number any ideas