I’ve been fined in Spain. What should I do?

Spanish traffic regulations are similar to those in other European countries. Most fines sent by Spain to other countries are for speeding. The steps to follow when you receive a fine from Spain are as follows:

  • Check that the fine has been issued by an official body (the CTDA, the DGT or the local council –Ayuntamiento– issue 99% of fines).
  • Check the date of the offence and the vehicle details. If you wish to contest the proceedings, the allegations should be sent to the complaining authority as soon as possible.
  • If you are the owner of the car, you must identify the driver.
  • The Spanish Highway Code allows 20 days to pay with a reduction. If more than 20 days have elapsed since the date of the fine, it is necessary to call the sanctioning body and inform them that, due to a problem in the post, we have received the notification late. When they send notifications abroad, they usually tend to these claims, granting a few more weeks for the reduced payment.
  • If the Guardia Civil stops the vehicle, the fines must be paid on the spot, either by credit card or in cash.

If you are travelling to Spain and have an unpaid speeding fine, proceed as follows:

  • Pay the fine before starting your journey (you must pay 100% of the amount).
  • Make a copy of the proof of payment and take it with your personal documentation.
  • Enjoy your trip.
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